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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Random Findings

Sorry to everyone much more up to date on the music scene than I have been recently, but I think these two songs are worth posting anyway. Radiohead is king, as usual, so an improved reworking of one of their tracks is always worth mentioning. This adds a piano rhythm here and a beautiful sax there from Dave Brubeck's "Take Five," really beefing up the quality of the song. The second is a Passion Pit reworking of a great Ra Ra Riot song that starts ethereally and builds from there. Enjoy.

Radiohead vs. Dave Brubeck - Five Step (YSI)

Ra Ra Riot - Ghosts Under Rocks (Passion Pit Mix)

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Sorry to everyone who has been checking the site, only to notice our lack of posting for pretty much the last month. With a writer in Cyprus and the other two just trying to finish up finals, we were all pretty busy. But as this is our 100th post, I would like to thank everyone for reading and getting some new music. I have two songs definitely worthy of the occasion, both sure to get the blood flowing and lead to a great night out. Sebastian Leger and Chris Lake are two of the best out there, having been featured on Stereo/Paste many times before.

Sebastian Leger & Chris Lake - Word (Original Mix)

Sebastian Leger & Chris Lake - Aqualight (YSI)